Music at Holy Trinity
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A rich musical legacy…
Holy Trinity was once described as having “near perfect acoustics” for speech and music. This assessment has been affirmed by the long history of musical appreciation and performance in the church.
Photograph by Trevor Bunning (September 2007)
The Pipe Organ
The pipe organ is original to the current church. It was built by Whitehouse Bros. in 1930. Several adjustments have been made over the course of its life, notably in 1938, 1952, 1986, 2001, and after the 2014 hail storm.
For further details, see our page at the Organ Historical Trust of Australia.
To donate to the Organ Restoration and Maintenance Fund, email the office at
Naturally music forms a significant part of our regular worship services. We are fortunate to enjoy the talents of three organists. We also have a good relationship with Vocal Manoeuvres Academy and associated ensembles who join us for major feast days and extra events around Christmas and Easter.
Detail from one of the angel windows on the western wall.
The unique ambience and excellent acoustics in the building make it ideal for small choral and ensemble performance. Contact us for more details.
Past performances include:
Exaudi Australis
Brisbane Monteverdi Ensemble
Brisbane Recorder Orchestra
Organ recitals
St Cecilia’s Day Concert
Joyful Voices
Joyful Voices is our new community choir project. We meet on the 3rd Sunday of each month after the 9:00am worship service. You are of course welcome to join us for church, whatever your background, but you may also be more comfortable arriving at 10:15am to share a cup of tea or coffee before the rehearsal begins at 10:30am. Most of us don’t have much experience yet, but we are having fun practicing some of our favourite old songs and look forward to learning new ones.